139 287 Laufach 9 Apr 2014226 views
928 440/201 FDK 25 May 2012261 viewsthe headboards both ends should show Darmstadt
185 047 FDK 25 May 2012231 viewsalmost tricked me by taking the 'express' route
185 078 FDK 25 May 2012232 viewswith a load of Peugeots
185 665 FDK 25 May 2012243 viewsDriver Yannick started flashing way up the line!
185 665 FDK 25 May 2012243 viewswith DGS12345 enroute to Munich. The object of interest is the British (DBS) Class 92 he's got on tow, apparently for Romania (Bulgaria in fact)
DBS(UK) 92034 FDK 25 May 2012305 viewsstill in its basic Railfreight colours, with the EWS stickers and Chunnel 'portholes'. From the DBS 92 Network
Named 'Kipling'
185 080 FDK 25 May 2012227 viewsloaded with expensive Audis
294 665 FDK 25 May 2012233 viewshis friendly whistle made me jump!
SNCF 437029 FDK 25 May 2012235 viewswith ERR-Duisburg Eanos
LDS 6 FDK 25 May 2012227 viewsAdTranz 72350/1999, NVR 92 80 1293 511-2 D-LDS
'Weiser Beer'
185 292 FDK 25 May 2012231 views
Museum FDK (Darmstadt-Kranichstein) 26 May 2012231 viewsa quick look on the way home
Museum FDK (Darmstadt-Kranichstein) 26 May 2012232 viewsa quick look on the way home (Olga + Köf)
V3 etc FDK 17 Jan 2013226 viewsV3 MaK450C 1962/400045 DKE with borrowed nose
3 Gmeinder N50 1961/5257
VL11 FDK 17 Jan 2013229 viewsMaK240C 1959/220036 Gelnhäuser Kreisbahnen
264 001 FDK 17 Jan 2013226 views
VL15 FDK 17 Jan 2013237 views345 023-6 D-HEIN Bahngruppe Saar-Hunsrück 'Gisela'
LEW 1976/15125
VL16 FDK 17 Jan 2013232 views345 055-8 D-HWBV LEW 1977/15586
301 016 FDK 17 Jan 2013238 viewsPfalzbahn VT50 Esslinger 1954/23608